Why A-Level results this year will cause issues next year and how to avoid these issues.

Why A-Level results this year will cause issues next year and how to avoid these issues.

So another results day has been and gone.

Regardless of what A-Level results you ended up getting, we all acknowledge how hard you have all worked in your education during this difficult time.

70.1% of private school students and 44.8% of state school students received an A*/A in their A-Levels.[1]

This equates to about 2 in 5 students in state schools receiving an A*/A.

As good as this is on paper, this causes issues in the long term.

Only 1% of the grades given were moderated.

The worry is certainly there that the A-Level results are inflated and whilst being great short term, will cause long term issues.

What issues will inflated results cause?

·       Drop out rates at universities will be much higher than average.

·       Much more competition at first choice universities mean more students will miss out.

·       Fewer courses on offer in clearing.

How can I avoid these issues?

·       Tutoring is a great way to ensure that you won’t fall behind at university.

With the missed learning, without any real assessment, there will be some students who will drop out of university due to their results being inflated.

The right tutor will be able to diagnose where the gaps in learning are and ensure that you are fully prepared for university and avoid any risk of dropout.

·       Defer a year.

Deferring a year is a great way to avoid the big rush of people all applying for placements in the top university.

Most students will not be getting their first or even second choice university placements due to the volume of applications.

Deferring can give you vital life experience in work and give you time to catch up on what has been missed.

Whatever you’re A-Level results happened to be, don’t worry, there are many ways to prepare yourself either to catch up or for university life.

[1] Daily Mail (2021) ‘MP Says lack of learning during pandemic has been a ‘national disaster’ for UK’s poorer pupils as traditional state secondaries get half as many A-Level A grades as private schools’ Available at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9880051/70-teacher-assessed-levels-marked-private-schools.html