What is kinaesthetic learning and how to take advantage of it?
What is kinaesthetic learning and how to take advantage of it?
If you have been following along with this learning style series of articles, you may be thinking that you do not belong to the more common visual or auditory learning styles.
If that is the case, you may be a kinaesthetic learner, making up only 5% of the population of the UK.
But what does that mean?
Kinaesthetic learners usually have these characteristics:
· Tends to fidget whilst studying (tapping pen or foot).
· Reading is not especially enjoyed.
· Outgoing by nature and enjoys trying new things.
· Uses hands whilst talking.
· Likes to make things.
· May walk around whilst they read.
· Often daydreams.
Being so uncommon, schools will almost certainly not cater to this learning style, meaning your children will not be getting the best out of school.
As a parent, how do I help?
In a previous article about auditory learning, I mentioned that a reputable tutoring company will pre-access your children’s learning style and a professional tutor will tailor a learning plan to this.
You can also implement the following the get the best out of your learning as a kinaesthetic learner:
· To retain information, pace or walk around whilst saying the words aloud to yourself.
· If you need to fidget in class, cross your legs or move your foot slightly off the floor.
· Kinaesthetic learners may not study best at a desk, when at home, try lying on your stomach or back.
· Study with music in the background.
· Take frequent breaks whilst studying to avoid constant distractions.
Despite being much less common than auditory or visual, kinaesthetic learning can still be adapted to not only by teachers and tutors but by you as parents to get the best out of learning for your children, no matter their learning style.